Why do you work?


Tell me why do you work?

Love this man

And it’s true.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your waking days.

You must make sure that whatever you do makes you happy.


Now, the problem is,
We live in a society where its considered normal to be mediocre.
Like, when you meet people working in routine jobs from a long time,
They talk crazy shit. Everything that happens under the atmosphere.
Now, I am not someone to blame people.
I think people are our greatest assets.
Its great people who build great companies, teams and countries.
You really have to stand out of the crown and ask yourself.
Why do you work?
Why do you get up and get dressed?
Is it something you love?
Why? Why not?
See, we need to get this thing sorted out otherwise,
We’ll never be truly happy or satisfied.

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Your passion is for yourself, your purpose is for others.

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